Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Appointments available with Kylie Stabler
What is Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have been used for thousands of years as a powerful treatment for gynaecological and obstetric conditions. Acupuncture is a natural, drug-free and effective way to restore balance in all parts of the physical, mental and emotions body. It works on many different levels by releasing endorphins as well as regulating hormonal function.
Acupuncture is grounded in traditional Chinese medicine developed over 3000 years ago. The treatments are blended with modern medical knowledge and incorporate diet advice, tuina Chinese massage techniques, gua sha, cupping and prescribed Chinese herbal formulas.
Benefits of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine?
The benefits of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are numerous, and many people use them for conditions, such as:
• Painful / Heavy periods
• PMS and other hormone imbalances
• Menopausal symptoms
• Headaches and Migraines
• Anxiety and Depression
• Stress and associated disorders
• Fatigue
• Low Immunity
• Thyroid imbalances
• Allergies, Hayfever, Sinusitis
• Gastrointestinal disorders
• Musculo-skeletal issues
• Pain and Chronic muscle tension.
Acupuncture and Womens Health
Acupuncture & Women's Health Symptoms like PMS, irregular periods, cramping, clotting, heavy or scantly flow, might seem normal from a western point of view, but from a Chinese medicine perspective, indicate imbalances or deficiencies that need to be corrected in order for you to experience optimal health.
Acupuncture is a natural treatment for a range of menstrual and hormonal disorders including:
PMS (Stress and Anxiety around period time )
Painful periods
Irregular periods
Heavy periods
Amenorrhea (No Periods)
Hormonal acne
Hormonal headaches
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Menopausal symptoms
Acupuncture and Fertility
Prior to conception, Fertility Acupuncture has been found to positively influence women by increasing their fertility awareness and improving their overall wellbeing.
Regular acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy are associated with fewer adverse events during pregnancy.
Assisted Reproduction (IVF & IUI)
Recent studies suggest that Chinese Medicine Techniques before and during IVF treatment could improve the chances of conceiving.
Evidence suggests, acupuncture given alongside embryo transfer improves rates of pregnancy & live birth among women during in vitro fertilisation and Chinese herbs have been found to:
Increase endometrial thickness
Enhance the success rate in vitro fertilisation
Improve the quality of fertility & embryo
Our Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners
Learn more about our trained and experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist Kylie Stabler.