Acupuncture and Women’s Health
Appointments available with Kylie Stabler
Acupuncture and Womens Health
Acupuncture & Women's Health Symptoms like PMS, irregular periods, cramping, clotting, heavy or scantly flow, might seem normal from a western point of view, but from a Chinese medicine perspective, indicate imbalances or deficiencies that need to be corrected in order for you to experience optimal health.
Acupuncture is a natural treatment for a range of menstrual and hormonal disorders including:
PMS (Stress and Anxiety around period time)
Painful periods
Irregular periods
Heavy periods
Amenorrhea (No Periods)
Hormonal acne
Hormonal headaches
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Menopausal symptoms
Our Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners
Learn more about our trained and experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist Kylie Stabler.