Basal Body Temperature

What, How & Why - Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

What is Basal Body Temperature?

Basal Body Temperature is the temperature of your body when you're completely at rest. Your temperature is taken using a digital thermometer that measures 1/10th and 1/100th of a degree. Basal body temperature can be used as a way to predict fertility and assist in conception. Tracking your basal body temperature for fertility is inexpensive and doesn't have any side effects.

How to you take and track Basal Body Temperature?
It is best to take your basal body temperature every morning before getting out of bed. Taking your temperature orally, under your tongue. Make sure you get at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to ensure an accurate reading. For the most accurate results, always take your temperature using the same method. Try to take your temperature at the same time each day, when you first wake up. Track your temperature readings. Record your daily basal body temperature and look for a pattern to emerge. You can do this on a paper chart, or an app designed for this purpose. It may take several cycles to see a pattern so we sugggest tracking for a minimum of 3 full months.

What does it mean if my temperature is increasing?
Ovulation may cause a slight increase in basal body temperature. You'll be most fertile during the two to three days before your temperature rises.
By tracking your basal body temperature each day, you may be able to predict when you'll ovulate. This may help you determine when you're most likely to conceive.
The basal body temperature method can also be used to detect pregnancy. Following ovulation, a rise in basal body temperature that lasts for 18 or more days may be an early indicator of pregnancy.

Keep in mind that your basal body temperature can be influenced by many factors, including:

  • Illness or fever

  • Stress

  • Shift work

  • Interrupted sleep cycles or oversleeping

  • Alcohol

  • Travel and time zone differences

  • Gynecologic disorders

  • Certain medications

For more information on basal body temperature, book a fertility appointment with our acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist, Kylie Stabler.


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