What to eat during your period phases?
There are 4 key phases of the menstrual cycle. When considering dietary choices during each menstrual phase according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it's essential to understand the principles of balance and harmony within the body.
The menstrual phases are listed below; however, the dates are just a guideline as everyone’s cycle is different.
Menstrual Phase (Days 1-5)
Follicular Phase (Days 6-13)
Ovulation Phase (Days 14-15)
Luteal Phase (Days 16-28)
Below you will find a breakdown of recommended foods for each phase.
Here's a breakdown of recommended foods for each phase:
Menstruation Phase (Days 1-5): During menstruation, it's beneficial to focus on replenishing blood and energy lost during the cycle.
Foods rich in iron, such as leafy greens, red meat, lentils, and tofu, can help replenish blood levels.
Additionally, warming foods like ginger, cinnamon, and soups can help alleviate cramps and discomfort.
We suggest a good balance of Parsley, dried apricots, berries, Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, citrus, Eggs, oats, legumes, Red meats, mussels, oysters.Follicular Phase (Days 6-13): As the body prepares for ovulation, it's essential to support hormonal balance and nourish the blood.
Incorporating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, can help regulate hormone levels.
Additionally, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provide essential nutrients for overall health.
We suggest a good balance of Parsley, molasses, sunflower seeds, Pumpkin carrots, beans, beetroot, Dairy, eggs, oats, peanuts, Red meats, liver, poultry, fish.Ovulation Phase (Days 14-15): During ovulation, focus on supporting kidney and liver health to facilitate hormone metabolism.
Foods such as asparagus, beets, carrots, and dark leafy greens can support liver function.
Additionally, hydrating foods like cucumber, watermelon, and herbal teas can help maintain fluid balance in the body.
We suggest a good balance of Ginger, cinnmon, cloves, Tomatoes, cabbage, mangoes, oranges, Rice, oatmeal , eggs, Red meats.Luteal Phase (Days 16-28): This phase requires nourishing yang and blood while supporting qi circulation.
Incorporating foods rich in vitamin B6, magnesium, and calcium, such as bananas, spinach, almonds, and dairy products, can help alleviate symptoms like mood swings and bloating. Additionally, herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint can promote relaxation and ease tension.We suggest a good balance of Chia seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, Potatoes, spinach, avocados, mushrooms, Black beans, brown rice, chickpeas, Salmon, poultry, bone broth.
By aligning dietary choices with each menstrual phase according to TCM principles, individuals can support hormonal balance, alleviate symptoms, and promote overall well-being. It's essential to listen to your body's cues and adjust your diet accordingly to maintain optimal health throughout the menstrual cycle.
Learn more about what to eat during your menstrual cycle with our trained and experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist Kylie Stabler.